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Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Our Classes

Maximize Your iPad's Potential


with BoomerTECH

Calendar Current session started Jan 2, 2025

A versatile device, your iPad allows you tocommunicate in a variety of modes; record youradventures with both still photos and video; tap intoyour creativity through photography, drawing andediting tools; and keep abreast of local, national, andinternational events and issues.

Eleven videos introduce you to various features ofyour iPad. Each video demonstrates how to accessthe basic processes of each feature or app.Once you feel confident navigating and operatingyour iPad’s multitude of features, you will never bebored or at loose ends. iPads offer a myriad of waysto access friends, family, and the wider world. Have a great time!

More Hidden Gems Your iPhone / iPad


with BoomerTECH

Calendar Current session started Jan 2, 2025

In our basic course on“hidden gems,” we explored: tracking, slide to type, customizing your control center, and accessing the built-in scanner among other cool features. In this level 2 course, we delve into the additional secrets of our iPhones and iPads. Learn how to set up helpful widgets, control text size, choose an interesting Siri sidekick, access important privacy features, and more. You’ll definitely increase your understanding of the intricacies of your iPhone and/or iPad at the conclusion of this course.

Take Fabulous Photos of the Flora and Fauna in Your World


with BoomerTECH

Calendar Current session started Jan 2, 2025

This course shows you how to take beautiful photos of flowers, plants, and wildlife. Four easy-to-follow videos demonstrate and give examples of each of the topics which include: Using focus, exposure and HDR features to capture the beauty of your surroundings; ways to avoid blurry images; tips for composing your images; and editing options that turn so-so images into stunning images. In addition to the instructional videos, we have several articles with useful information to build your repertoire of photographic strategies. This course is made for you if you want to learn to use your camera or significantly upgrade your skills and abilities.

Taking Awesome Pictures With Your iPhone/iPad Camera


with BoomerTECH

Calendar Current session started Jan 2, 2025

This is a step-by-step guide to taking beautiful photos, appropriate for novice photographers and anyone who wants to significantly upgrade their photography skills. Students will learn to take photos, portraits, slo-motion, panos, and more. Also students will learn about camera settings for proper focus and exposure, High Dynamic Range, and picture composition.

Unlock Safari's Secrets on Your iPad in Just Five Lessons


with BoomerTECH

Calendar Current session started Jan 2, 2025

Your iPad is the gateway to the world when you open the Safari app. Safari, Apple’s browser, is superb because it provides a variety of cool features. The iPad app has some differences from the iPhone version. Learn what the icons on the top menu do, explore all of the choices on Safari’s opening page, review efficient search strategies, look at the hidden possibilities within the share feature, learn the advantages of Reader View, and more. After completing the five lessons you will be a confident user of Safari on your iPad.

Unlock Safari's Secrets on Your iPhone in Just Five Lessons


with BoomerTECH

Calendar Current session started Jan 2, 2025

You are on the go with your iPhone in hand and want to do a quick search on the internet. Safari, Apple’s browser, is the place to start because it provides a variety of cool features. The iPhone app has some differences from the iPad version. We will explore all of the choices on Safari’s opening page, review efficient search strategies, look at the hidden possibilities within the share feature, come to see the advantages of Reader View, and more. After completing the five lessons you will truly know the ins and outs of Safari on your iPhone.

Unlock Safari's Secrets on Your Mac in Just Five Lessons


with BoomerTECH

Calendar Current session started Jan 2, 2025

Doing basic internet searches on Safari is fairly straight forward. However, within Safari there are many options most of us never explore. Join us for five lessons that will unlock the secrets of Safari: options contained in the top menu, choices provided on the opening screen, tips for more efficient searching, possibilities hidden within the share feature, and a demo of why you want to click on the AA button. After completing the five lessons you will truly know the ins and out of Safari.

HiSET Academy - Online HiSET Preparation


with GNG Adult Education Instructors

Calendar Current session started Jan 6, 2025

Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education also offers students the opportunity to work at home, at your own pace with HiSET Academy. Students can work on reading, writing, science, social studies and math to improve their skills. Using a combination of Zoom for direct instruction and HiSET Academy, students can prepare for all 5 subjects in the comfort of their own home. This option is available to students working toward a high school credential and/or preparing for college.

Students must complete the enrollment process to be eligible for these courses.

To find out more call 657-9612.

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